Below are links filled with gameable ideas and tools collected throughout the years of Google Plus, now stored here for posterity.
Gaming sites and links
Castlevania board game (fanmade)
Creatures of Poppy Road
Giants vs. dragons vs. worm (a cosmology)
Monster Pamphlets
Neural network designed spell names
Power Ranger Fighter
Resurrection effects
RPG Tinker- D&D 5e NPC Generator
Silly campaigns: high school tankery
Why would the BBEG want a baby?
History and Mythology
Archaeologists go hightech to solve 2,500 cold case
Benjamin Lay, abolitionist and forgotten prophet
Bohemian earspoon
Boudica the warrior queen
DNA analysis of ancient excrement reveals the diets of ages past
Dodecahedrons baffle archaeologists
Fabled "gate to Hell" really did kill people-and now we know why
Goat helps prove magic is fake
Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov, Russian scientist who tried to inseminate chimps with human semen
King Tut's space metal dagger
Magic potato collection at English museum
Mausoleum of Victorian Egyptologist believed to be a time machine
Medieval Death Bot
Medieval knights fight giant snails and nobody knows why
Mississippi River map, 1864
Naomi Uemura, extraordinary Japanese adventurer and explorer
Nightmarish things people used to do for fun before electricity
Prehistoric cave contains 6,000 year old cave
Prohibition and Voyageurs National Park
Seven hundred year old tunnel used by Knights Templar found beneath rabbit hole
Tristan da Cunha (remote island)
Uninhabited and mysterious islands with bizarre pasts
Vampire pumpkins and watermelons
Victorian slang terms we should definitely bring back
World's last feudal lord outsmarted the nazis to protect her people
Media and Popular Culture
Crazy Monster Designs (nightmarish sentai monster costume designs)
Creative Uncut- video game art and pictures
Custom mapmaker
Five most mysterious video games
Flame Warriors Guide
Goast (Ghostbusters fan wiki)
Goliath serum (Venture Bros. fan wiki)
Hungarian posters for popular movies
Mashup jigsaw puzzle art
Nightmarish animal photoshop mashups
Scariest urban legends from every state
Six Classic Kids Shows Secretly Set in Nightmarish Universes
Terrible maps
Twisted princesses
Yellow Site (Hastur Mythos Wiki)
Nature and Science
Australian birds have weaponized fire
Cloud seeding
Cotard delusion
Cyborg cockroaches may be future emergency responders
Fire ants self organize to build towers to reach safety
Golden chamber holds water so pure it can dissolve metal, helps scientists find dying stars
Hindsight bias
Hypatia stone contains compounds not found in this solar system
Inside the lab where spiders put on face paint and fake eyelashes
Mars liquid water lake revealed
Mountain goats on your trail? They like you, and your urine
Mutated gene associated with colon cancer discovered in 1700s Hungarian mummy
Mysterious sound comes from depths of Antarctic ice shelf
Shrew vs. snake: animals attack
Small asteroid discovered orbiting around earth
What moves gravel sized gypsum across the desert?
News Stories
Bug spray kills spider, spawns nightmare
Bones, caskets unearthed by Sandy
Chatbots develop own language, Facebook disables AI system
Eyeworm found in woman's eye previously only found in cattle
Girl suffers seizures after brain becomes infected with tapeworms
Knife angel built over two years using 10,000 weapons
Manson's blood relatives seek legal custody of his body to lay him to rest
Montclair Mansion sells for $10, but buyer must move it
Pable Escobar's hippos now wander Columbian wilderness
Salvador Dali's body exhumed because tarot card reader claims Dali is her father
Tapeworm five footer slithers out of man who ate raw fish almost every day
Treasure hunters seek eccentric's hidden two million $ bounty
"Zombie raccoons" spotted in Northeast Ohio
Thanks ill check some of the interesting ones out mate